May 2024 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting



Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council will be held on Thursday 9th May 2024 at Hough on the Hill Church community area, commencing at 7 pm.

Donna Lang, Parish Clerk

3rd May 2024


1.   Election of Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

2.   Election of Vice Chairperson and signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

Chairman to close the meeting.

15 Minute Public Participation
(Maximum 3 minutes per member of the public)

When members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. 

Chairman to re-open the council meeting

3.   To receive apologies and valid reasons for absence, these having been submitted to the Clerk prior to the meeting.

4.   To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and receive Requests for Dispensations.

5.   To approve the draft notes as the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2024 and for the Chairman to sign them as the agreed minutes.

6.   To receive reports from County and District Councillors (for information only).

Planning and Tree Matters:

7.   To note tree works applications received from SKDC: 

S24/0597 – Section 211 notice to remove 5 conifer trees and replace with native mixed hedging.

8.   To note planning application received from SKDC:

S24/0434 – Proposed two storey side extension to Gelston Grange Farm, Gelston.

9.   Play Area. To discuss and resolve the purchase of play bark to cover existing areas.  To discuss the Wicksteed Annual Inspection and resolve the repair and maintenance of equipment to adhere to the safety of the equipment and area.  To note play inspection reports received for March and April 2024.  To consider the possibility of orchard on play area funded by Coronation Living Heritage Fund.

10.   Emergency Group/Drainage issues: Cllr Sharman and Cllr Allen update.

11.   Neighbourhood Plan and Design Code: Cllr Sharman update

Financial matters:

12.      Resolution to approve the payment of Local Councils Insurance renewal invoice £561.39.

13.      Resolution to approve the payment of GDPR for 2024 invoice £40.00.

14.   Resolution to approve the payment of Community Heartbeat Trust invoice £468.00.

15.   To approve bank reconciliations for 31.03.24 and 30.04.24.  The bank reconciliations had been checked by Cllr Sharman prior to the meeting.

16.      Resolution to approve the payment of Clerks expenses and overtime March and April 2024 £112.08.

17.   Resolution to approve LALC training invoice for Councillor Allen’s Emergency Planning £15.00.

18.   Resolution to sign AGAR certificate of exemption.

19.   Resolution to sign AGAR Annual Governance Statement.

20.   Resolution to sign AGAR Accounting Statements.

21.   To reconfirm the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and the Code of Conduct for this Council.

22.      Local Plan Review – The council have revisited the Village Service and Facilities Survey which was previously undertaken with Parish Councils in 2021. Surveys have been completed for each village by the PC and submitted to SKDC in April 2024.  Copies of the surveys will be attached to the Minutes of this meeting and posted on the website and Nextdoor.

23.   Correspondence – none received.

24.   CLOSED SESSION.  To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 for the following item on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

25.   To consider quotes for grass cutting at the three village sites Hough on the Hill, Gelston and Brandon.

Date of next meeting – 5th September 2024