April 2023 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

MINUTES of the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING of Hough on the Hill, Brandon and Gelston held on Wednesday 12th April at 7 pm at All Saints Church, Hough on the Hill.

Present: Cllr Lang (in the Chair), Cllrs. Harris, Ingham, Mills, Moore and Taylor. There were 16 members of the public present.

1.   The minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held in 2022 were read, amended slightly and approved and it was unanimously agreed that they be signed.

2.   The Chairman gave her report and a copy is attached to the hard copy of these minutes.

3.   The Clerk/RFO gave a financial report and a copy is attached to the hard copy of these minutes.

4.   The annual report of the Hough on the Hill in Need Charity was read out and a copy is attached to the hard copy of these minutes.

5.   The public only raised issues concerning the Neighbourhood Plan (NP).  It was felt that a Committee involving members of the public as well as Parish Councillors was a better option than just the Parish Council.  The NP is a community driven project but whichever route is taken, the Parish Council is the body that makes resolutions on any NP matters. An explanation of LGS was given by a member of the public who explained that some matters would be unsustainable under law.  At this time, all LGS allocations have been objected to with the exception of land owned by the PC which was agreed to be put forward last year and a zero response from All Saints Church.

LGS on owners’ land stops infill and we need growth.   A councillor said that she has been pushing since November to get the NP moving but all new Councillors had to ensure they were up to speed before they could make considered decisions, as it was clear that there are contentious issues.  The new Local Plan, when in place, will be valid till 2036 so there is no need to rush through the NP.  

There are items in the existing NP that have not been addressed. 

Note: the games area has been done (MUGA). Speed signs are in hand.  Road safety – we are constantly in touch with LCC Highways.  Renewable Energy schemes – medium risk and Interpretation Boards – low risk: have not been addressed.

Meeting closed at 7.55 pm