December 2018 Minutes

MINUTES of the meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 6th December 2018 at All Saints Church Community Area, Hough on the Hill.

Present:  Cllr R Kingscott (RK) (in the Chair), Cllrs. Milnes (PeM), Morgan (SM) and Rhymer (SR),Cty Cllr Maughan and  Dist Cllr Sampson and 1 member of the public.

There were no questions from the public.

Chairman welcomed those present.

Apologies – There were none. 

RK declared an interest in Agenda item 7 re S18/1979.

[Item 8d on the agenda will be moved to item 7c.].

Minutes of the meeting held on 20th September were read and it was resolved unanimously to accept the same as a true record, and they were duly signed.

It was noted that Cllr Miley had given his resignation.  A person has come forward to join the Council and will be co-opted at the next meeting.


  • S18/0075 – Brandon Wood clay shoot – refused but has gone to appeal.
  • S18/0078 – Brandon Wood new clubhouse – pending consideration.
  • S18/0221 – auto racing on grass track near Gelston –pending consideration.  Has been to committee but deferred for more information.
  • S18/1482 – barn conversion – withdrawn.
  • S18/0849 – removal of hedge at Eastfield Farm – approved.
  • S18/1808 – new sewage treatment plant at Brandon House – pending consideration.
  • S18/1979 – conversion of Brandon Barn – pending consideration.
  • S18/2039 – rear extension at Wilderness Cottage – no objections.
  • S18/2117 – single storey extension at Brantbeck House – no objections.
  • Felling of a tree opposite Brownlow Arms – no response from Planning Enforcement – Bob Sampson will chase.

45/18.   Playing field:

               [a] All monthly reports are up to date.  Agreed we should consider rubber chippings which  would last longer than the bark – SR and RK will do a site visit and measure up and then 3

                    quotes will be obtained – a community fund grant application to SKDC will then be considered and reVOLT may help with funding.  SR will try and get the “green” off the

                    wooden equipment.

                [b] The cheapest quote for hedge-laying is £810 (including removal of debris).  Agreed that we should accept the quote of £660 and councillors will remove the debris, saving us


                [c] – 8d. Council considered the verge cutting agreement with LCC but considered the  amount they would pay was far too minimal to enable us to get our own contractors. 

                [d] Clerk presented the quotes for grass-cutting for the next 3 years (from April 2019).  It was proposed by RK, seconded by SM and agreed unanimously that we will stay with


46/18. Road safety/Highways:

               [a] It was agreed that the gates and signage on the C001 at Brandon must be co-ordinated.  We have heard nothing for a long time but Cllr Maughan is having a meeting with

                    Highways on 7th December and will bring this matter up.   

               [b] Cllr Sampson advised that no permission is required to move and store straw for agricultural use.

               [c] Cllr Maughan will raise this matter at his meeting with Highways on 7th December.

               [d] See 45/18[c].

               [e] The outlet pipe has been re-done so there is no longer any flooding at Loveden Track.

Clerk to check with Environmental Health regarding the cesspit at The Cottage, Gelston which takes effluent for 5 Gelston and The Row.   Is it discharging into the stream?

Clerk to ask the Footpath Officer to press the owners of Windwards to reinstate the right of way or to put in an application for re-routing.

48/18. Defibrillators –

[a] It was agreed that funding from the villagers will be used for any extra supplies required.

[b] It was resolved to pay £175 + VAT for the VETS invoice, as agreed between PeM and Martin Fagan of CHT.

[c] It was resolved to order the cabinet heater that is required (£35} (PeM) and pay for it out of the villagers’ money. The PC will pay annual charges for VETS and servicing.


49/18. Brandon Electricity Pole Diversion:

[a] We will be getting a wayleave payment for the underground cable.

[b] Western Power want to re-site the poles for a one-off payment of £1,123.60.RK explained where they wish to re-site them and it was agreed unanimously that this can

go ahead.

Clerk to check when we normally receive the existing wayleave payment.


50/18: A request was made to consider having old-fashioned street lamps in Hough.  Cllr Sampson will make enquiries as to availability and cost.

51/18: War memorial: SR has sprayed the memorial but it needs “refreshing” by a stonemason.  SR will look for funding and take this project on personally (not as a Councillor).

52/18. Communications:

[a] NextDoor now covers 56% of the Parish.SR posts on FB if anything relevant comes up.

RK is meeting with John Lord on Sunday morning to look at the noticeboards.OnSide will

be considered at the March meeting.Advertising is required to find new Councillors.

[b] RK will deal with circulating planning applications.

[c] It was agreed that RK and SR will join the Emergency Text Alert System.

53/18. 2019 meeting dates: 14/3, 9/5, 19/9, and 5/12.