December 2020 Agenda



18 Chapel Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, NG32 3EG

Telephone: 01400 273742 / 07916 628673



Dear Councillor,

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council to be held on 10th December 2020 in the Community Area of Hough on the Hill Church, commencing at 7.30 pm.

Signed.......L.Frances................Clerk to the Council                        Date:  4th  December 2020.



  1. Welcome by Chairman.  Co-option of 4 new Councillors.


                               Public Forum.  Restricted to 15 minutes.           


  1. Apologies for absence.


  1. Declarations of interest.


  1. Resolution to approve Minutes of meeting held on 3rd September 2020.


  1. Planning matters:  S18/ 0078 and S20/0098 – Brandon Wood Clay Shoot application – planning meeting on 9/12 deferred;  S19/0735 – update on Highways England with regard to new coffee shop on A1; S20/1302 – Beeches, Lower Road, Hough – erection of domestic store approved; S20/1519 – Hall Farm, Brandon – erection of garden home office – approved; S20/1702 – change of use West Hill Farm – approved;        

S20/1716 – Removal of condition at Old Hall Cottage – approved.

  1. Playing field:   August, September and November reports to hand.  Discuss weed killing and agree cracked seats will be brought to the attention of Wicksteed prior to their annual visit.  New rota to be circulated – new Councillors to visit with existing ones to see what an inspection involves.  Tree on recreation ground – inspection by SKDC – awaiting quote for crown reduction.


  1. Road safety/Highways.  Question who is to paint the gates at the north end of Brandon?  Update on reduced speed limit at Gelston?   Gelston Green sign – now in place?  Update on overgrown hedge at Lower Road, Hough (Cllr McLean).    Update on smell at the bottom of Water Lane/drainage – Cllr Milnes or Cllr Maughan.


  1. Footpaths –Footpath 8 – not yet received an application to re-route path. 


  1. Communications – new website now live – Google still goes to old site but it automatically then goes to the new one. 


10.  Financial matters:

   [a] Bank balances at 30.11.20  £4,812.98 (deposit a/c} and £5,604.33 (current a/c).   

   [b] Resolution to sign bank reconciliation/income & expenditure accounts at 31.8.20,    

         30.9.20,  31.10.20 and 30.11.20.

   [c]  Agree appointment of new internal auditor.

     [d] Resolution as to the amount of precept to be requested. Projection spreadsheet


     [e] New Bank Mandate – signatures to be made.


 11. To note any correspondence received. Letter of thanks from LIVES for donation.  Letter

        of thanks from Sue Morgan for gift.


        12. Meeting dates for 2021.


 13.To consider any matters from invited speakers.


14.Date and time of next meeting:  11th March 2021.