December 2020 DRAFT Notes
NOTES of the Hough on the Hill Parish Council meeting held at 7.30 pm on Thursday 10th December 2020 at All Saints Church Community Area, Hough on the Hill.
Present: Cllr S Rowland (in the Chair), Cllrs. R. Holden (RH), and Vicky McLean (VM)
After co-option – Cllrs P Baker (PB), A Barrett (AB), A Knott (AK), and C Ward (CW).
19/20 Chair welcomed those present. Resolved to co-opt 4 Councillors who each signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office and handed their DPI forms to the Clerk.
There were no members of the public present but the PC had received an email from a Parishioner raising various points which were dealt with in the course of the meeting and are Minuted here.
20/20 Apologies - Cty Cllr A Maughan and Dist Cllr P Milnes. Cllr McLean left the meeting as she was unwell.
21/20. AB declared an interest at item 5 of the Agenda (reference S20/1716).
22/20 Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September were read and it was resolved to accept them as a true record, and they were duly signed.
23/20 Planning:
S18/0078 and S20/0098 – Brandon Wood Clay Shoot – Cllr Milnes had advised that the planning meeting has been deferred until January 2021.
S19/0735 – Drive through coffee shop at A1 petrol station site – Highways England have still not moved forward with changes to the A1 and Caroline Johnson MP is now involved. A consultation will take place by Highways England eventually and will be advertised locally at the appropriate time.
S20/1302 – Beechers, Lower Road, Hough – erection of domestic store –approved.
S20/1519 – Hall Farm, Brandon – erection of garden home office – approved. Comment made by member of the public in an email regarding the PCs submission – SKDC has approved this application and no further comment will be made.
S20/1702 - change of use of West Hill Farm – approved.
S20/1716 – Removal of Condition at Old Hall Cottage – approved.
Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – Cllr Milnes has advised that there will be changes required to our NP. She has given us a point of contact at SKDC and the Clerk will speak with said contact and advise Councillors of way forward.
24/20. Playing field:
Reports for August, September and November to hand. Clerk to forward a copy of the latest report to new Councillors, together with a blank form for their use in future. A new rota was circulated and a suggestion made that new Councillors visit with existing Councillors to see what the report involves. Clerk to enquire as to costs of new swing seats.
With regard to the ash tree query by 10 Carlton Road (tenant and SKDC) crown reducing and clearing ivy, our Contractor does not consider any work is necessary and therefore we will not be offering to make any payment. Clerk to ask Marston Playing Field Association as to cost of mats for their play area.
25/20. Road safety/Highways:
The gates at the north end of Brandon C001 will be painted by the Chair and AB in spring 2021. The Chair has strimmed around the gates and the contractor will add this to his works in 2021. The Councillors considered the need for reflective strips and it was unanimous that these are not necessary. New speed limit at Gelston has had an Order for the works to be done which will be in the new year. The new “no parking” sign for Gelston Green will be collected by the Chair from a previous Councillor and the Chair will then install it. The email from a parishioner made comment about the new road surface on the C001 at Stragglethorpe – any concerns regarding the rest of the C001 must be made to Cllr Maughan as our County Councillor, as the County is responsible for such works. Clerk to enquire whether there is a portable SID in the area that this PC could borrow.
The situation with regard to the drainage problems at Water Lane is, as reported by Cllr Milnes, that LCC consider the residents between the wood at the bottom of Gelston Road and through as far as half way up the road towards the Carlton Scroop crossroad, need to be contacted with a request that they clear out their private ditches – Clerk to send a letter and at the same time, enclose legislation regarding Septic Tanks and Small Sewage Plants.
The manhole cover is still a problem (near the Old Chapel, Gelston). Clerk to write to Anglian Water and LCC. AB reported that the pipe across the C001 at Brandon is to be jetted which should alleviate the flooding across the C001. Clerk to find out the name of a contact at the Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board. There was no update on the overgrown hedge at Lower Road, Hough as Cllr McLean had left the meeting – Clerk to enquire of her.
26/20 - Footpath 8 - Clerk to chase Richard Davies again and cc Cllr Maughan.
27/20 - Communications: new website now live. Clerk to put contact details of all Councillors in News and Views, noticeboards and on website.
28/20. Financial matters:
[a] Bank balance at 30.11.20 £5,604.33 (current account) and £4,812.98 (deposit account).
[b] Resolved to sign the bank reconciliation/income and expenditure accounts for past 4 months.
[c] Resolved to accept Victoria Clark as new internal auditor.
[d] Clerk had circulated projection of expenses costs to 31.3.21 compared with current budget. From this was put forward figures for the 2021/2022 precept. Resolved to request £6,705.
[e] New Bank Mandate completed; once all signatures made, Clerk will forward to Bank.
29/20 - Correspondence: Email from parishioner – Brandon phone box – agreed we should request the stickers if they are the ones that go round the top of the phone box.Chair is in the process of
refurbishing the box but it is taking a long time due to the difficulty of getting layers of red paint off. The Chair cleans the box about every 6 weeks.
Defibrillator – this is checked monthly by the Chair.Chair and AK will let me have the original list of Responders and Clerk to get the Gelston list from Cllr Milnes.We can then assess how many more
are required.Clerk to be advised of the VETS number and this will go in News and Views.
The Brant is cleared by the Chair – Black Sluice should clean it out annually and it is due this month – Clerk to get contact details from Cllr Milnes and chase.
A letter of thanks from LIVES for the donation made had been received.
A thank you card from Sue Morgan had been received, in respect of the gift given.
30/20 – Meeting dates 2021 – these had been agreed with the Church and circulated to Councillors. Clerk to put on website.
31/20 = Presentations from invited speakers: Cllr Milnes – had sent a newsletter that had been dealt with during the course of this meeting.
32/20. Date and time of next meeting: 11th March 2021 at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed at 8.53 pm.