NPC June 2022 Minutes


Neighbourhood Planning Committee

Minutes 16.06.22

NOTES of the Hough on the Hill Neighbourhood Planning Committee held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7.00pm on Thursday 16th June 2022.

Present:  Cllr A Knott (AK) (in the Chair), R. Moore (RM), R. Twelvetrees (RT), Cllr P. Milnes (PM), Marilyn Taylor (MT); Cllr A Barrett (AB).  Several members of the public also present, as was the Parish Clerk.  Apologies:  Cllr P. Baker  

1  Minutes of Meeting held 10th May 2022    

The Minutes were approved as a correct record.     

Matters Arising (that were not on agenda):  

AK reported that the Parish Council have agreed Cllr Barrett will join the Committee, that should AK need to step down at any stage, Cllr McLean will replace him.  David Hindmarch had decided he did not have time capacity to commit to the Committee, but had offered (free of charge) access to his company’s planning consultant if that would be helpful.  MT would find such assistance potentially helpful when she is at policy drafting stage.  AK/MT to action appropriately.      

Action: AK/MT

AK reported that he had analysed the Survey answers to the last couple of open questions.  What came through overwhelmingly is concern to protect our rural, green environment.  Also there were views expressed that Hough on the Hill itself should not have been classified as a ‘smaller village’ and he will be taking this matter to the Parish Council to explore how best the community’s views can be communicated to SKDC (likely to be at consultation stage on the current Local Plan review).  

Action: AK

MT reported that the courtesy consultation letters had been sent to owners of land outside/on the edge of our settlements.  This had not been a ‘call for sites’, but suggesting they may wish to inform us of any likely future proposals for development.  4 replies had been received by the closing date for responses.  2 have no bearing on our current update; 1 similarly has no bearing on our current update, but had taken the opportunity to comment on our proposed BUA in Hough on the Hill.  This comment will be considered alongside any forthcoming when BUA proposals have been made fully public.  Finally, a response had been received from JH Lord & Sons helpfully identifying all of the land they own around Hough on the Hill.  Whilst their Agent (from whom the reply came) had interpreted our letter as a ‘call for sites’, a reply indicating our willingness to discuss what proposals might be relevant for the future should be sent, offering a suggestion for a meeting.  Committee agreed that MT and AK will take this forward. AK to seek approval from PC and check from whom the letter should be sent.    

Action: MT & AK

2  Update on Local Green Spaces

Our consultant had been provided with corrections and amendments to his first draft report, and also our queries.  His replies to our queries had been circulated prior to the meeting and there were no further comments on these.  After further communication with the Parish Council, the approved letter to Local Green Space site owners had finally been dispatched on 10th June, giving 30th June as the deadline for responses.  Each owner had been provided with a copy of their site assessment.  

Meanwhile the 2nd draft report will be finally reviewed and any corrections sent to the consultant next week (in order to meet Locality timescales).  It is important to note that this report does not contain any recommendations.  It will form part of our evidence base for any LGS designations we propose in the updated Neighbourhood Plan. 

Action: MT & RM

There followed discussion on how best to respond to LGS site owners who raise objection to proposed designations.  It was not felt appropriate for individual visits to take place.  It was agreed that each site owner owners should be invited to a private, informal meeting with the NPC at which the proposals could be clearly explained, questions answered, objections aired and the forward process for any further objections site owners felt it necessary to make could be properly outlined etc.  A suitable date might be for this session to precede the proposed joint meeting between the Neighbourhood Planning Committee and the Parish Council which is to be organised at the end of July.  However, MT/AK/RM to determine final details of approach.

Action: MT/AK/RM

The proposed joint meeting with the Parish Council will be where the finally-proposed designations will be decided.  The Parish Council have also yet to decide their position on the 4 sites in their ownership.

NB  One member of the public present questioned a fact about the assessment of their site and was advised to respond to the letter in writing.  
3  Review Emerging Design Guidance

A copy of the incomplete 2nd draft had been circulated to the Committee and Parish Council prior to the meeting.  It was agreed there are many typos and incorrect photo labels etc.  MT to collate and advise consultants.  It was also agreed that we should ask for revision of the Key Views diagram as it does not include key views included in the existing NP and are mentioned in the guide text (eg at Gelston). It was agreed we should also query the analysis of Recreation/Green Space to ensure there is read-across with the LGS review.      

Action: MT
4  Draft Publicity Leaflet

The rough first draft of the proposed leaflet had been circulated prior to the meeting.  The intention is to publicise the next Consultation Workshop on 16th July, and also to give a comprehensive update on the emerging Design Guidance, including the proposed BUA maps.  To this end it will be an 8 page colour leaflet.  It was agreed that some parts of the text need altering as they are confusing (particularly the BUA rationale table) and that more careful formatting is required.  

Action: AB,/MT/AK

The Parish Council will need to approve the amended draft before it is sent to the printers, but it is hoped that the leaflet can go through every door by the end of June latest to give people sufficient notice of the Workshop.  

5  Workshop 16th July 10am

This will be run along similar lines to the previous workshop, very informal.  The focus will be on the detailed design guidance that our consultants say they will have provided to us in time and they are happy also to provide display material.  MT reminded committee that our Locality grant includes for the purchase of display boards and it was agreed that she should proceed to purchase (subject to any approvals required by the Parish Council).  Various suggestions for enabling community feedback were also discussed and it was agreed we should have a Comments Sheet for people to leave as they go. 
Action: MT

6  Any Other Business

None was raised, other than MT confirming that the Project Plan agreed with the Parish Council is still on track for a draft of the updated Neighbourhood Plan to be with the Parish Council for their September meeting. 
7  Date of Next Meeting:  Tuesday, 19th July 7pm