NPC April 2023 DRAFT Minutes

MINUTES of a Neighbourhood Plan Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at Hough on the Hill Church Community Area at 7.55 pm on Wednesday 12th April 2023.

Present: Cllrs D Lang (DL) (in the Chair), R. Harris (RH), M. Ingham (MI), R. Mills (RM), L. Moore(LM), M Taylor (MT) and Dist Cllr P Milnes.  There were 16 members of the public present.

01/23: Apologies – there were none.

02/23: Declarations of Interest – there were none.

03/23: It was resolved to sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 31st January 2023.

04/23: A dispensation request had been received from RH so that he could speak and vote on matters concerning his land, the subject of a LGS.  A vote was taken and MI, RM and DL were in agreement of the dispensation; MT and LM were against it so the majority agreed for RH to have the dispensation he requested.

05/23: It was resolved unanimously to update policies HoH 1, 7, 8 and 15 of the existing NP to take account of the new policies SP3, SP4 and SP5 in SKDC’s Local Plan.  

It was resolved to defer further considerations of the Design Report until the new Parish Council is in place after the elections on 4th May.  MI, RM and RH were against deferring and MT, LM and DL were for deferring, so the Chair had the casting vote. 

It was resolved to defer further considerations of the Local Green Space Report until the new Parish Council is in place after the elections on 4th May. MI, RM and RH were against deferring and MT, LM and DL were for deferring, so the Chair had the casting vote.

06/23: Next meeting – to be agreed by new Parish Council.

Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.