November 2022 Agenda
18 Chapel Lane, Caythorpe, Grantham, NG32 3EG
Telephone: 01400 273742 / 07916 628673
All Councillors are summoned to attend a meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council on Wednesday 2nd November at Hough on the Hill Church community area, commencing 6.30 pm prompt.
Please note public will not be admitted until 7 pm.
Signed Lesley Frances
Locum to the Council
Date: 27th October 2022.
Resolution to go into closed session to discuss staffing matters.
Parties interested in the Neighbourhood Plan update, please note that this matter will not be addressed at this meeting and is unlikely to be on any agenda until some time in the new year.
7 pm Public Forum: The Parish Council meeting will be preceded at 7 pm by a public forum at which members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. This will last no more than 15 minutes. Members of the public are welcome to stay for the meeting but may not participate unless invited to do so by the Chairman.
1. Apologies.
2. Declarations of interest in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
3. Update on Disclosable Pecuniary Interest forms for each councillor.
4. Resolution to approve Minutes of meetings held on 26th May 2022, 28th July 2022 and 17th October 2022.
5. Resolution to agree Councillors wishing to go on New Councillor Training Session. This is by Zoom with LALC and is on 29th November between 6 pm and 9 pm.
6. Resolution to approve Vexatious Complaints Policy.
7. Planning:
S22/0042 – siting 5 holiday pods at former station yard, Hougham – approved.
S20/0098 – Brandon Wood clay shoot – pending consideration.
S22/0785 – Wayside Farm – change of use of barn to holiday let – approved.
S22/0869 – Tree works at 3 Gelston Road, Hough – allowed.
S22/0874 – Tree works at Manor Farm – allowed.
S22/1482 – New single storey dwelling at Thompsons Lane, Hough – Refused.
ENF22/0122 – Beechers Farm tree felling update.
8. District and County Councillors reports.
9. Highways – pothole on Hougham Road, Gelston – repaired. Update on road sign at Carlton Road advertising our play park is ahead (AM). Clerk to provide information on Fix My Street.
10. SID – for next meeting. (some funds reserved and quiz being done 21.11.22.)
11. Community Speedwatch – Andy Barrett is running this successfully and will continue to do so.
12. Dog fouling – problems were reported in Brandon some time ago. However, a litter bin is in place at Brandon Church. Resolution as to any ideas moving forward. Resolution as to who will empty litter bin at Church.
13. Defibrillators –Clerk has requested CHT to do an annual maintenance check on each of the 3 defibrillators. Instructions for the monthly checks are being sent to me by CHT - we need someone to do Gelston (and possibly Brandon). We are currently members of the VET system – resolution as to whether to continue – if so, will need an update on members and their contact numbers.
14. Play area – Arrange a working party to repair edging on shelter, clean swings, fix gate spring, and general clean up of path and edges. New rota and checklist attached – if you need guidance please let Clerk know.
15. Finance – [i] resolution to sign bank reconciliations as at 31.5.22, 30.6.22, 31.7.22, 31.8.22 and 30.9.22. Note Neighbourhood Plan fund has £1,154.36 in it and this forms part of the bank balance. [ii] Resolution to agree Locum Clerk can arrange Internal Audit. [iii] Resolution to pay BDG £156 and CHT VETS £210.
16. Social media – resolution as to use of social media and if agreed it can be used, requirement for full Council to agree postings.
17. Correspondence – none to hand.
18. Date of next meeting – 1st December 2022.