March 2023 DRAFT Minutes

Hough on the Hill Parish Council 

NOTES of a Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7 pm on Tuesday 28th March 2023.

Present:  Cllr D Lang (in the Chair), R Harris,  R. Mills, L Moore, M Taylor and Dist Cllr P Milnes and Cty Cllr A Maughan.
There were 2 members of the public present but they had nothing to raise.

Dist Cllr P Milnes had e-mailed her Report prior to this meeting and a copy is attached with the hard copy of these Minutes.  

Cty Cllr A Maughan advised that the LCC budget has been approved and that it costs LCC £600,000,000 to deliver services.  They are pushing to reinstate the Parish Paths Partnership (PPP).  An announcement will be made tomorrow that is likely to confirm that RAF Scampton will be used as a camp to process asylum seekers.   Lincolnshire Firefighters went to Turkey to assist with the devastation after the earthquake.

75/22 – Apologies had been given by Cllr Twelvetrees and Cllr Ingham.  Reasons were accepted.  However, Cllr Twelvetrees had also offered her resignation effective 31st March – thanks were made for her time and work given to the Parish Council.

76/22 – Cllr Harris declared an interest in item 6 of the agenda (S23/0331).

77/22 – After clarifying a couple of questions raised, It was unanimously resolved to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st December 2022.  Civility and Respect pledge to be on the May agenda.  Costs associated with civility and respect pledge to be ascertained.

78/22 – Slight amendments were agreed to be made to the Grievance and Disciplinary policies after which it was resolved to approve them.

79/22 – Creation of a Personnel Committee will be held over to the May meeting.

80/22 –  Planning – 

S20/0098 – Brandon Wood clay shoot – Refused.  The fallback position is shooting 50 days of the year privately (no public allowed).

S22/2153 – fell tree at All Saints Church – refused.

S23/0073 – various tree works at All Saints Church – approved.

S23/0148 – Non material amendments at Chestnut Court – approved.

S23/0331 – Single storey extension at Hillside, Lower Road – pending consideration.

ENF22/0122 – Beechers Farm tree felling – replacement trees will have to be planted.  

81/22 – Highways – the road sign indicating a playground ahead is now sited on Carlton Road.

82/22 -Dog fouling – this has not improved in Brandon.  A black wheelie bin is now in place at the side of the Church, for collection of dog foul bags and the Chair is putting this out for emptying every two weeks.   Agenda for May, a litter pick date.

83/22 – Defibrillators – Gelston defibrillator is being checked regularly.  A parishioner is temporarily checking Brandon defibrillator and the Chair kindly agreed to take over this monthly job.  She will liaise with the parishioner on what is required.  Anyone requiring the use of the defibrillator should call 999.

84/22 – Play area – Reports for December and March were to hand and Cllr Harris will take a look at the matters that need attention to see if he can deal with them.  Wicksteed has suggested we remove all bark and have new safety surfacing under each piece of equipment – their quote is in.  Clerk has a second quote in hand.  A suggestion was made that, as there is funding available, should we be looking at replacing some or all of the play equipment – a community consultation would need to be undertaken as to requirements.

85/22 – Highways project – all 3 phone boxes and noticeboards will be refurbished, and the village entrance gate at Brandon repaired.  We have got the primer undercoat and gloss for the phone boxes, free of charge.  However we will need to purchase a new post for the gate as well as undercoat and gloss paint, wire brushes, paint brushes, a paint bucket, and varnish.  Quantities of brushes required not yet known.   Resolved that we should buy what is required.

86/22 – Finance:  It was resolved to sign the bank reconciliations for 31.12.22,  31.1.23 and 28.2.23.   The balance funds held for the Neighbourhood Plan had been returned to Groundworks as required, by 31.3.23.  Website maintenance had been renewed for 5 hours at a cost of £90.

87/22 – Correspondence –the annual environment report from TVKC (the Karting Club) was handed to Cllr Taylor and the Complimentary Pass to Cllr Harris.

88/22 – Next meeting – Annual Parish Meeting – 7 pm on 12th April followed by a Neighbourhood Plan meeting at approximately 7.30.

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be at 7 pm on 9th May (when ALL Councillors will be signed up),  followed by a regular Meeting.

Meeting closed at 8.09 pm.