October 2022 Minutes
Hough Parish Council
17 October 2022 at 7 pm in Hough Church
Alan Robinson, Monitoring Officer SKDC
SKDC District Councillor Penny Milnes
SKDC District Councillor Paul Wood
LCC County Councillor Alexander Maughan
1. The meeting was opened by Alan Robinson. He gave an introduction to the process.
2. Co-option of Councillors.
Alan Ball was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Milnes, Wood and Maughan.
Marilyn Taylor was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council, in her absence, by Cllrs Milnes, Maughan and Ball.
Donna Lang was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Milnes, Maughan and Ball
Mark Ingham was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Milnes, Ball and Lang
Mal Twelvetrees was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Ball, Lang and Ingham
Rob Harris was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Ball, Lang, Ingham and Twelvetrees
Lisa Moore was nominated and co-opted onto the parish council by Cllrs Ball, Lang, Ingham, Twelvetrees and Harris
3. Donna Lang was proposed by Mal Twelvetrees and seconded by Rob Harris to be Chairman. The vote was unanimous to elect Donna Lang as Chairman.
4. Rob Harris was proposed by Mal Twelvetrees and seconded by Mark Ingham to be Vice-Chairman. The vote was unanimous to elect Rob Harris as Vice-Chairman.
5. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Marilyn Taylor.
6. Members Declarations of Interest – none were made at the meeting.
7. Approved signatories for the bank account:
It was nominated by the Chair and unanimously agreed that the Chair, Cllr Donna Lang and Vice-Chair Rob Harris were authorized as approved signatories on the bank account for the parish council. The Chair to organize transfer of the bank account rom the ex-clerk Lesley Frances.
8. Future clerk arrangements:
The Chair, Donna Lang, volunteered to act as temporary clerk and this was unanimously agreed.
It was agreed that the Chair approach the ex-clerk, Lesley Frances, to see if she was willing to resume as clerk.
Advice was given that LALC would help with finding a new clerk and for the Chair to approach Katrina, CEO at LALC.
It was noted that there is money in the budgeted precept to pay an experience clerk.
9. Times and Date of future meetings:
Wednesday 2 November 2022. 7 pm in Hough Church.
The meeting closed at 7.55 pm.