December 2022 Minutes
Hough on the Hill Parish Council
MINUTES of a Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7.15 pm on Thursday 2nd December 2022.
Present: Cllr D Lang (in the Chair), R Harris, M Ingham, R. Mills, L Moore, M Taylor and M Twelvetrees
Councillors had met with two candidates for co-option and a vote was taken. R Mills was chosen (4:2).
There were 4 members of the public present. Councillors were asked why they had made the decision to not go ahead with purchasing a SID. It was explained that one SID for 3 villages was not feasible from the point of view of moving it around - there were not enough councillors to do that. To have one SID per village at £2400 each was not viable. A member of the public stated she knew parishioners who would take responsibility for moving and charging up the SID and she was asked to provide a list of contact names and numbers for our March meeting. Clerk advised that a decision could not be overturned for 6 months (per Standing Orders). Another parishioner advised that sites had been agreed with Highways for positioning a SID in Hough and Brandon. Clerk to follow this up.
55/22 – Co-option – It was resolved to co-opt Robert Mills. He signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and took his place at the table.
56/22 – Apologies had been given by Dist Cllr P Milnes. She had sent a Report and this was circulated.
57/22 – There were no declarations of interest.
58/22 – It was unanimously resolved to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 2.11.22.
59/22 – Planning –
S20/0098 – Brandon Wood clay shoot – Refused.
S22/2153 – fell tree at All Saints Church – pending consideration.
ENF22/0122 – Beechers Farm tree felling – nothing further has happened.
60/22 – Highways – the road sign for Carlton Road, indicating the upcoming play area, has been ordered. No date for siting.
61/22 -Dog fouling – this has not improved in Brandon. Sign for the litter bin still awaited from Dist Cllr Milnes. It was resolved to hold a litter pick in the spring.
62/22 – Defibrillators –all 3 defibrillators have been looked at by CHT and all are in good working order. Dist Cllr Milnes has found someone to do the monthly checks on the Gelston one and Clerk will make contact with him. Clerk also to chase again, CHT, for the number to dial to access defibs.
63/22 – Play area – Cllr Harris had carried out the inspection for November and his report had been circulated. He suggested that a new hardcore base be put in to build up the surface. Clerk to investigate. One or two of the items reported will be addressed by Cllr Harris – thanks to him for taking this on.
64/22 – Civility and Respect Project – this is a project addressing bullying, harassment by/to clerks, councillors, employees etc. It is an extension of the Code of Conduct. Chair said that there are workshops and modules that need to be taken up at a cost of £30 pp which is a lot of money if 7 councillors each do each module. Clerk to ask LALC for their views on workshops, signing up and to find out if there is an annual subscription.
65/22 – Finance: Clerk answered questions on the cash book and it was resolved to sign the bank reconciliations for 31.10.22 and 30.11.22. Internal audit completed and satisfactory. Resolved that Chair, Vice and Cllr Ingham be bank signatories and the Mandate was signed appropriately. Clerk answered questions on the Precept 2023-2024 calculations and after some discussion it was agreed to precept £8120.
66/22 – Correspondence – Cllr Twelvetrees has set up her generic email address – clerk to test and then circulate. Clerk explained that a resident had asked for expenses to put a new sign up on The Green but had actually done the sign and spent the money! Agreed we
would refund £63.47 but advise that in future, she must get approval before spending. New Councillors Zoom Training Session on 24th January 6 – 9 pm. Clerk to book 7 places.
63/22 – Next meeting – an additional meeting for the Neighbourhood Plan discussions will take place on 31st January at 7 pm. The next regular meeting will take place on 28th March at 7 pm.
Meeting closed at 8.15 pm.