June 2022 Minutes EOM
NOTES of the Extraordinary Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7 pm on Thursday 30th June 2022.
Present: Cllr R Holden (in the Chair), Cllrs. A. Barrett (AB), P. Baker (PB), A. Knott (AK), and V.McLean (VM).
19/22 – Cllr Rowland had given his apologies.
20/22 – There were no declarations of interest.
21/22 – It was resolved to go into closed session.
22/22 – Matters of a confidential nature.
23/22 – A discussion took place regarding the four areas of land owned by the PC put forward as LGS (Local Green Space). It was resolved that all four would be put forward as LGS but that the Clerk will quantify that there are covenants on two pieces of land and that there are two pieces of land that are not yet registered in its ownership.
24/22 – Discussion took place regarding responses to landowners that had sent in concerns/objections to their land being designated as LGS. AK agreed he will ask whether an expert in LGS from Locality or AECOM would attend a meeting with those landowners and the NPC, to discuss their concerns.
It was agreed that the NPC will do a chase up letter to those landowners with designated LGS that have not yet responded.
25/22 – No action required at this stage regarding the Design Statement.
26/22 – The Clerk and Chair raised concerns at the speed with which the PC is asked to deal with documents for reading/approval that is, the timeline set. As MT is doing all the work we should respect that timeline.
27/22 – Resolved to approve the leaflet distributed for the Public Consultation Workshop.
28/22 – Several of the consultation replies asked why the status of Hough on the Hill Parish has been changed to a “smaller village”. Clerk to write to SKDC asking for an explanation and asking what criteria they used to ascertain this status for Hough.
29/22 – Matters of a confidential nature.
Meeting closed at 8.35 pm.