July 2022 Minutes
Hough on the Hill Parish Council
NOTES of a Meeting of Hough on the Hill Parish Council held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7 pm on Thursday 28th July 2022.
Cllr S. Rowland (in the Chair), Cllrs. A. Barrett (AB), P. Baker (PB), R. Holden (RH), A. Knott (AK), and V.McLean (VM).
Also R. Moore and A.Twelvetrees.
There were 5 members of the public present.
30/22 – Apologies had been given by Dist Cllr P Milnes.
31/22 – There were no declarations of interest.
32/22 – It was unanimously resolved to approve and sign the Minutes of the meeting held on 30.6.22.
33/22 – AK and AB had set up and held the workshop on 16th July. Hard copies of part of the Design Guidance had been printed and were handed to visitors to take away and study, with a request that they put any questions forward by 23rd July – two people had raised questions. The PC questioned whether the Guidance itself is strong enough – Ropsley’s is more intense. It was resolved to pay £30 to the lady who had provided refreshments.
34/22 – Design Guidance pages 62-82 need to reflect the character of the Parish and should be more in-depth – we should consider whether a planning person is required to assist. The existing Landscape Character Assessment is excellent but needs checking to see if it is valid, given the change in Hough’s status. The two responses from the workshop will be put forward. We now have an editable document and will need a full PC meeting to go through it. VM will question with SKDC, why Hough is now accredited as a smaller village.
35/22 – LGS – we have received responses from all but one person. Holding letters were sent out on 12th July. Responses have been drafted and AK and RM have approached Jake Horton (SKDC) who will look at our overall approach to ensure it is satisfactory. H8 is still to be done. Once approved by SK the letters can go out but with additional information regarding queries to go to SKDC who will direct advice as to how to proceed. If they are designated areas and landowners still object then they must refer to SKDC. LGS has same status as green belt so sets the bar a lot higher. Chair will circulate detailed information.
Suggested that Councillors look at Ropsley’s Neighbourhood Plan and LGS.
36/22 – Proposed that the September meeting is brought forward to 1st September. Approved.
37/22 – Resolved to go into closed session to discuss confidential matters. All attendees left except councillors and clerk.
Meeting closed at 8.50 pm.