March 2022 Minutes

MINUTES of the Hough on the Hill Parish Council (PC) meeting held at Hough on the Hill Church Community area at 7.35 pm on Thursday 17th March 2022.   

Present:  Cllr S Rowland (in the Chair), Cllrs. A. Barrett (AB), P. Baker (PB), R. Holden (RH), and A. Knott (AK), and Dist Cllr P Milnes.

53/21     - Chairman welcomed those present.
54/21 - Apologies from Cllrs McLean and Ward.
55/21 – There were no declarations of interest.
56/21 – The Minutes of the meetings held on 9th December 2021 and 18th January 2022 had been read, were approved and it was resolved that they be signed.
57/21 – Dist Cllr P Milnes – the budget was set and there will be a £5 council tax increase on a Band D property.  They have an uncertain future financially – levelling up is a problem as Lincolnshire has not been included.  Savings have had to be made since Covid.  Growth in the economy, housing needs and a high performing Council are all requirements of SKDC.
There will no longer be a Ward Member Grant and the food waste trial will end.  There are a number of traveller site planning applications in - at Fulbeck, Carlton Scroop and Beckingham.  Also land has been sold at Carlton Scroop (on the road to Hough) to travellers.
58/21 – Planning:
S18/ 0078 and S20/0098 – Brandon Wood Clay Shoot application – ongoing; S21/2342 – Wayside Farm, Lower Road – new tractor shed- approved; S21/2487 – Old School house, High Road – electric timber gates – approved; S21/2525 – Gelston Grange Farm -  no approval required for new steel framed building; S22/0092 – The Old Vicarage, High Road – tree works – approved; S22/0221 – Honeybee Cottage, Folly Lane – tree works – approved; S22/0330 – 17 High Road, Hough – tree works – approved; S22/0389 – Chestnut Court, Stubton Road – alterations and extension – pending consideration.
59/21 – Road safety / Highways – A quote for 2 wooden gates had been received, totalling £960.  Clerk to get a quote for recycled plastic gates too.  AB and Chair will repair the broken gate on the C001.   The two businesses that the Clerk had approached for assistance with the cost of a SID had not responded – AK advised that Totemic will make a donation of £500.  Clerk to get updated quotes for SIDs.
60/21 – Speeding measures – an application has been completed for a licence from LCC for 40 mph passive signs for the C001 at a cost of £40.  Once that has been agreed then we can look at posts required (currently about £53).  Calibration of the speed gun held by PB would cost as much as a new speed gun.
61/21 – Defibrillators – all fridge magnets and “credit cards” with information on contact, use etc have been delivered to each property.
62/21 – Play area -  the moss on the MUGA has been sprayed and once it has died off will be swept up.  The gate spring will be repaired before the Wicksteed visit, for the annual inspection, in May.
63/21 – QPJ – each village is holding its own picnic where people bring their own food and drink; the pub at Hough will be open.  The PCC has funds in hand should they be required.  It was agreed that the PC will keep in reserve £250 for Hough and £100 each for Brandon and Gelston should money be required for “facilities” – not food and drink.  It is not yet decided whether a commemorative bench will be purchased for the play area but the Clerk will get prices.
Clerk to check how to deal with road closures for 3rd June.
64/21 – Finance –
[a] Bank balances at 28.2.22 = £5,213.61 (deposit account) and £3,555.39 (current account).
[b] It was resolved to sign bank reconciliations for 31.12.21, 31.1.22 and 28.2.22.
[c] It was resolved to pay the LALC subscription of £153.60, and £419.40 to the CHT for defibrillator maintenance for another year.  It was also resolved to keep in reserve £500 should it be needed for the NP and to pay £150 for one year’s website maintenance (10 hours) from 1st April.  
[d] The grass cutting contractor had submitted his quote for 2022-2024 at £156 per cut which is an increase of 10%.  This was considered reasonable and it was resolved to accept the quote.
65/21 – Correspondence – SKDC letter re flood prevention and availability of sand and sandbags was discussed.  It was agreed not to take up this offer.
66/21 – PB advised that he had reported a pothole on Gelston Road (near the S bend) but that the wrong one had been repaired.  He will advise the clerk of the reference numbers of all potholes that have been reported but not repaired.
67/21 – Date of next meeting – 26th May 2022 at 7.30 pm – Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and a regular meeting.